Zmizely instalačky ND7

Možná jste si všimli, že postupně zmizely obrazy instalaček jak z partnerského webu, tak z webu Passport Advantage. Prý se objevily problémy v distribuci (vadné image?), objevit by se měly znovu tuto středu. Já osobně jsem je stahoval minulý týden a klient i server jedou zatím dobře. Vyjádření IBM:

Please be aware that there is a temporary problem with the Notes 7.0 Client and Domino 7.0 server images being available on the Passport Advantage website. Resources are working to correct the problem.
We are working to have the code available ASAP, however it is possible that the images may not be available again until Wednesday, 7-Sept-2005.

Doplnění: Janet Keney z IBM vysvětluje:

Some of the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 7 and Extended Products GA files have been temporarily removed from the download site in order to correct a problem with the distribution site. They will be back online soon (within a couple of days). Those who have downloaded the ND7 GA product already should download and install the restored files, once they are available, in order to ensure they've received a properly distributed product. A notice will be posted in this forum when the download files are back online. We apologize for this inconvenience.

...takže je to jasné, instalačky se zase budou přebalíčkovávat :)

Předchozí: Replikace s více servery
Následující: Uvedení ND7 a další novinky